google-site-verification=1UaLTo2qjDCC1mvYkod_8Hzl5NCgo32KAJEnwMjCWhQ Importance of Village life: May 2020

Tuesday, May 19

Beautiful Village Easy Life


Beautiful scenes of nature, fresh air, hospitable people, and quiet life – all these things come to our mind when we think of the village. Here you can enjoy the natural way of life in full resting from the city bustle. There is almost nothing artificial in these quiet areas. Here you can use everything that nature can give you.
There is something divine and mysterious in the village beauty. There is a satisfaction in the slower pace of days.

Village body

A lot of people think that it is just impossible to live in some under-developed rural areas while modern city life can provide a person with almost everything that one could only imagine. However, such active and bustling way of life is not for everyone. There are a lot of people who do not pursue a crazy success and luxury and just want their life to be simple and plain. A village is a perfect place to live if you are in search of harmony with nature. People have everything for their minimum requirements of life. Villagers are just satisfied with the necessities of their living. They are always provided with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, water, and clear air. It is the simplicity, natural beauty, and tranquility that make the rural life unique and special. Moreover, living in a concrete jungle can be quite stressful and it can make you more vulnerable to depression.

Villages preserve our national customs and traditions. The village people usually hold various festivals and fairs where they represent the wealth of our culture. Villagers think in the terms of religion and God. The village temple is the divine place where people draw inspiration for their further work and pray for their families and themselves. There is a unique closeness between the elder and younger generations. Young people treat their parents and grandparents with great respect and follow their valuable advice.

In spite of everything good that the village can give us, there are a lot of important things that rural areas lack.  Peasants lack the utilities and convenience a more developed area can offer, such as hospitals, stores, police stations, firefighters, public health, mass education, proper cell phone coverage, and internet access. So, there should be some progress in rural areas in order to make such places more pleasant and comfortable to live.

Main Point 

A lot of philosophers and great thinkers admired the rural life because the country people are able to gain a sense of well-being from the purposefulness of a simple country existence. You can easily find a certain spiritual serenity and enjoy the pleasures of meaningful time among the magnificent rural landscapes. There may come a time when you just want to escape from everyday stresses and complexities of city life. At village you can feel the time and make your life move slower.

Tuesday, May 5

Water Pollution in Village

               Water pollution in villages

Water Pollution

 Due to this, the use of chemical fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides etc. has also increased rapidly for maximum yield, which gives rise to dangerous water pollution in rural areas.  Apart from this, garbage in the garbage, sewage, plastics and polythene and residual materials of various industries in rivers and other natural water bodies generate huge amounts of water pollution.  Water pollution does not only affect the organisms that live within the water, but it also affects the Village public health.

Substances or things that destroy the natural properties of water, and become harmful to the health of organisms, are called water pollutants.  These water pollutants are generated by agriculture, industry and other human activities.  Water is most polluted due to industrial residuals.  Industries like sugar, alcohol, fertilizers, oil refineries, textiles, paper and pulp, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dairy products, thermal power plants, leather, organic and inorganic chemicals, cement, rubber and plastics, food processing etc. are the main factors of water pollution.
Apart from this, excreta, plastic and polyethylene waste, heavy metals etc. are also major water pollutants.  Humans exploit water from underground sources for their consumption and agricultural purposes.  Till now the ground water sources were considered pure but in recent years the presence of organic chemicals, heavy metals and other pollutants has been detected in the ground water, which is evident that pollution has made its home there too.  In cities, there is a network of sewer lines with the help of which excreta is discharged into rivers etc.  Many times these sewers leak into them, due to which the excreta continues to percolate into underground water bodies.  In this way, industrial residues etc. also reach the underground water bodies through soil containers.

Measures to protect villages from water pollution

 Although the problem of pollution is more in the cities, but our villages have also been hit by it.  If some precautions are taken in the rural areas in due course of time, then certainly rural life can be saved from the danger of pollution.  The following precautions should be taken for this:

▪Plastic and polythene waste pollutes the soil.  Therefore, they should be used sparingly.

 ▪Natural watersheds should avoid contamination.  Neither the dead bodies should be shed in the rivers around the village, nor should animals be bathed in them.

▪Household waste, excreta etc. should not be dumped directly into the river, pond etc.

▪Garbage should not be put in wells.  The wells should be covered as much as possible and add potassium permeation or bleaching powder to the wells at least once a month.

▪One should not defecate in the open outside the village, but should use toilets.  Nowadays grants are also given by the government for the construction of toilets.

▪Pesticides, weedicides and chemical fertilizers should be balanced use.  Some other alternative means, such as organic manure and natural pesticides made from neem and Dhatura, etc. can be used instead.

▪Always use pure, clean and non-polluting drinking water only.  Some impurities in drinking water can also be removed by methods of disposal, filtering etc.

▪By taking appropriate precautions, the day-to-day problem of pollution can be avoided, as well as protecting rural public health.  In this context, to educate the villagers, it is the need of the hour today to develop the thinking of public awareness, public awareness, public cooperation and public participation.

 It should be tried to minimize the use of chemical substances in the fields.  Green compost manure can be used instead.  The natural source is our own.  Therefore, we also have the responsibility of protecting and preserving them.  Only by fulfilling our obligations can we avoid the danger of water pollution.

Sunday, May 3

Difference Between a Town and a Village in हिन्दी

          एक शहर और एक गाँव में क्या अंतर है?

 दोनों के बीच मुख्य अंतर आकार में है।  एक गांव सबसे छोटी प्रशासनिक इकाइयों में से एक है, जबकि एक शहर बड़ा है।  कई मामलों में, जो गाँव पनपने लगे, वे शहर बन गए हैं और आसपास के अन्य गाँवों को शामिल करने के लिए विस्तार किया है।  इन दो प्रकार की बस्तियों में से प्रत्येक को परिभाषित करने वाली संख्या प्रत्येक देश की प्रशासनिक नीतियों और विकास के इतिहास पर निर्भर करती है।

 वे दोनों ग्रामीण क्षेत्र हैं, हालाँकि एक गाँव कम या ज्यादा अलग-थलग हो सकता है, बहुत कम लोगों के पास हो सकता है, और कोई बुनियादी ढांचा नहीं हो सकता है।  दूस9री ओर, एक शहर में बड़ी संख्या में घर हैं - आमतौर पर एक-परिवार इकाइयां - बुनियादी ढांचा, और सार्वजनिक संस्थान।

 राजनीतिक रूप से, एक गांव खुद पर शासन नहीं करता है, लेकिन निकटतम शहर के प्रशासन के अधीन है।  गाँव के लोग 0शहर के चुनावों में मतदान करते हैं और निर्वाचित महापौर उनके समुदाय के प्रभारी भी होंगे।

 एक शहर जितना विकसित होगा, उतनी ही विविध सुविधाएं और सेवाएं होंगी।  इसलिए, हालांकि एक गांव में केवल एक प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक स्कूल हो सकता है, एक शहर में कई हाई स्कूल और यहां तक ​​कि एक स्थानीय कॉलेज भी होगा।  यह एक सिनेमा, थिएटर, संग्रहालय या आर्ट गैलरी से लेकर सामुदायिक केंद्र या अन्य ऐसी जगहों पर कई सांस्कृतिक संस्थानों की मेजबानी कर सकता है।  दुकानों और बाजारों को मांग पर खोला जाता है।  इसलिए, छोटे गांवों में एक स्टोर भी नहीं हो सकता है, जबकि एक शहर में आप ऐसे कई प्रतिष्ठान पा सकते हैं।  वही पब, बार, रेस्तरां और अन्य खाद्य इकाइयों के लिए जाता है।.

             आशा है आपको पसंद आया ..................

Moden Village Essay Hindi

                        एक आदर्श गाँव

भारत गांवों का देश है।  भारत में छह लाख से कम गाँव नहीं हैं।  भारत के लगभग 80 फीसदी लोग गांवों में रहते हैं।  इसलिए, यह सही कहा जाता है कि असली भारत गांवों में रहता है।  एक विशिष्ट भारतीय गांव में कई सुविधाओं का अभाव है, विशेषकर पिछड़े राज्यों में।

 लेकिन तुलनात्मक रूप से विकसित या उन्नत राज्यों में, जैसा कि पंजाब और हरियाणा में, शहरों में उपलब्ध कई सुविधाएं गांवों में भी उपलब्ध हैं।  उदाहरण के लिए, कई गाँव जिन्हें आदर्श गाँव कहा जा सकता है, उनमें बिजली, पानी की उचित व्यवस्था, पीने के पानी की अच्छी व्यवस्था, सामुदायिक हॉल, बाज़ार, दूध संग्रह केंद्र, औषधालय या अस्पताल, प्राथमिक या उच्च या वरिष्ठ  माध्यमिक विद्यालय, एक प्रबुद्ध पंचायत, आदि।

 हालांकि, यह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए कि सभी गांव आदर्श हैं।  और न ही ऐसी सभी सुविधाएं पूरे देश में सभी गाँवों में उपलब्ध हैं।  कुछ गाँवों में, आधुनिक फ्लश शौचालय भी नहीं हैं।  कई गांवों में, अधिकांश लोग अभी भी निरक्षर हैं। भारत गांवों की भूमि है।  भारत में छह लाख से कम गाँव नहीं हैं।  भारत के लगभग 80 फीसदी लोग गांवों में रहते हैं।  इसलिए, यह सही कहा जाता है कि असली भारत गांवों में रहता है।  एक विशिष्ट भारतीय गांव में कई सुविधाओं का अभाव है, विशेषकर पिछड़े राज्यों में।

 लेकिन तुलनात्मक रूप से विकसित या उन्नत राज्यों में, जैसा कि पंजाब और हरियाणा में, शहरों में उपलब्ध कई सुविधाएं गांवों में भी उपलब्ध हैं।  उदाहरण के लिए, कई गाँव जिन्हें आदर्श गाँव कहा जा सकता है, उनमें बिजली, पानी की उचित व्यवस्था, पीने के पानी की अच्छी व्यवस्था, सामुदायिक हॉल, बाज़ार, दूध संग्रह केंद्र, औषधालय या अस्पताल, प्राथमिक या उच्च या वरिष्ठ  माध्यमिक विद्यालय, एक प्रबुद्ध पंचायत, आदि।
 हालांकि, यह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए कि सभी गांव आदर्श हैं।  और न ही ऐसी सभी सुविधाएं पूरे देश में सभी गाँवों में उपलब्ध हैं।  कुछ गाँवों में, आधुनिक फ्लश शौचालय भी नहीं हैं।  कई गांवों में, अधिकांश लोग अभी भी निरक्षर हैं।

गाँव में नालियाँ हैं। यह साफ-सुथरी होनी चाहिए। सभी लोग एकता और सहयोग के साथ रहें।  गाँव की प्रगति के लिए हर कोई ज़िम्मेदार है।

 आशा है ये मदद करेगा...... ... ..

Saturday, May 2

What is village life about

Life in Village

The infrastructure is not well developed in the village, and also there is a problem with the network connection as many of the people lose network connection when they go to the town to enjoy your vacation.The environment in the village is less polluted, and there is fresh every time which makes your mood happy in the village.

Importance of Village

People in the village have to know how much we need them, how much they are important for those people live in cities. They should know their jobs at their villages are as important as the doctor’s jobs, as important as senators and we have to show them our respects. If we really need more organic and happy villages we have to encourage people to go to villages, invest, work and maybe live there.

Issues in Villages

There are many issues in a village foreign person living in the city on another hand the people living in the village do not see things are the problem as they are the daily things for them with their to face.
There is also, and the huge problem with vehicles and also the roads are in very bad condition due to reach there are fewer modes of transportation there fewer buses we go from one place to another place and wherein cities there are lots of vehicles which create a lot of pollution.

Beautiful Village Easy Life

Introduction Beautiful scenes of nature, fresh air, hospitable people, and quiet life – all these things come to our mind when we think of t...